If you are having trouble getting a business loan, perhaps you should look into small business administration loans to help you get a loan. Find out what they can do for you!
If you are having trouble getting a business loan, perhaps you should look into small business administration (SBA) loans to help you get your loan. Small business administration loans are independent agencies of the federal government aimed at helping small businesses get a loan that wouldn't otherwise be able to. The purpose is for small businesses to have a chance at making it in the world, getting their feet on the ground, and have the ability to grow. So, if you are an owner of a small business and have had trouble getting a small business loan, try going through the SBA to get a loan.
Small business administration loans, although they do help small businesses to be able to get a loan, they are not the lenders.
Even if you do not go through an SBA loan to work with the lender, it may be a good idea to contact the agency for suggestions and recommendations so that when you meet with the lender, you will be better prepared since SBA loan agencies work with lenders all day long everyday for all kinds of small business loans with all kinds of business plans. They can help to point you in the right direction and can even help you with how to present your business plan.